Easy Kickboxing Techniques for Beginners to Get Started

woman training for kickboxing with a punching bag

Easy Kickboxing Techniques for Beginners to Get Started

Learning & improving your kickboxing techniques takes practice. Discover skills to enhance your fighting prowess. Master your techniques here!

Kickboxing is an intense sport that combines a variety of punches and kicks, helping you to strengthen your muscles, improve coordination, boost confidence, and more. According to recent data, approximately 53.2% of people who participate in kickboxing are women, and 46.8% are men.

If you’re just starting to enter the world of kickboxing, there are a few crucial kickboxing techniques all beginners should know.

Check out our list of essential kickboxing moves and basics to help you jump into this amazing full-contact sport “feet first.”

Kickboxing Basics: Punches

There are several ways to use punches during kickboxing. Each of these moves has a unique method, stance, and technique, so let’s dive into these important kickboxing moves.

The Jab

This beginner move is crucial to the sport of kickboxing, and it involves using the “lead hand”. If you’re an orthodox fighter, the lead hand would be your left hand and if you’re a southpaw fighter, it would be your right.

The jab is an offensive move that can also help players measure distance, set up more advanced combinations, and disrupt the opponent’s focus. Speed and precision are the building blocks of the jab.

To start this kickboxing fighting stance, extend the lead arm quickly, rotating your shoulder, which in turn will rotate your lead hand. As you make contact, the top of your fist should stay flat, and the other hand should be in a guarded position to protect your face from your opponent.

The Cross Punch

Another of the most fundamental kickboxing techniques is the cross punch. This move is designed to help players secure victory when competing against an opponent.

For this move, you’ll use your rear hand (i.e., the right hand for orthodox fighters). Your form is crucial when performing the cross punch. To start, pivot on your rear foot and rotate your hips and shoulders together as you keep your lead hand up, protecting your face.

While you pivot, you will extend your rear arm forward at the same time. Rotate your fist to make contact with the target, and you’ll complete one of the most important kickboxing basics for beginners.

The Hook Punch

The hook punch is one of the most versatile kickboxing moves you can use, no matter what level you’re at. This fundamental punch allows you to approach your target from several angles.

To start, you’ll get into a strong fighter stance and rotate your hips and shoulders. Keep your below bent at a 90-degree angle, then swing your punch in the signature hooking motion horizontally as you make contact with the target.

Since this move comes in at close quarters, it’s a great way to surprise your opponent unexpectedly. After some practice, you can create different combinations for the hook punch, making it even more versatile throughout your kickboxing journey.


You’ve probably heard of the uppercut in boxing, but did you know it’s also a kickboxing move? This technique is designed to bring an element of surprise by striking upwards toward an opponent’s body or chin from a close distance.

To master the uppercut, you’ll need to start in a lower, crouching stance. Drive your fist upward toward your opponent, using your body to follow through and generate force behind the punch.

Kickboxing Techniques: Classic Kicks

Of course, the word “kick” is part of kickboxing, so we need to cover these moves, too! Here are some of the more vital and fundamental kicks that all beginners should know.

The Round Kick (Roundhouse)

No, we’re not talking about a Patrick Swayze movie — the roundhouse or round kick is a key component of kickboxing. You can use it to aim high or low. Either way, it’s sure to surprise your opponent whenever you use it.

Start by lifting your knee and rotating your body and foot in a semicircle. Next, you’ll fully extend your leg and aim at your target, hitting with the lower part of the shin or the top of the foot.

The right rotation from your planted foot is crucial when you’re using this kickboxing move. That’s because using the proper foot protects and opens up the hips, preventing an accidental injury.

Side Kick

A side kick is another important move that all beginners should know. You’ll use it to control the distance between yourself and your opponent. When done properly, it can also deliver a knockout blow.

The side kick uses lateral movement, allowing you to come at your opponent from the side and give you an advantage. Start in the fighter stance and turn your body to the side. Pivot on your supporting foot and extend your kicking leg outward, striking with the heel.

Front Kick

This kick utilizes a kick that’s straightforward, using the kicking leg. It’s commonly used to target the midsection or upper body area of your opponent. A lot of beginners like this kick because it creates a safe distance between themselves and their opponent.

You can throw this kick with your lead leg or your rear leg, depending on the circumstances. Standing in a fighter stance, you’ll lift the chamber of your leg and aim at your target with your knee. Extend your leg with as much speed as possible, hitting your opponent with the ball of the foot or your heel.

Shin Kick

For this move, you’ll lift the leg and swing the lower half of the leg upward, aiming at landing your shin bone on the target. It’s usually used to hit the lower body, thighs, or the shin of the other person.

You can use the shin kick to inflict serious damage on your opponent. It can also help you control the pace and wear down your opponent’s defenses.

Get Kicking Today!

These kickboxing techniques will help you learn the fundamentals of this exciting sport. Once you’ve mastered some basic moves, you’ll be ready to tackle more advanced ones soon after.

At Evolve Kickbox & Fitness, we provide a supportive environment for people of all fitness levels. Contact us to find out more about our amazing classes led by experienced trainers today!

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